Thursday, November 18, 2010


I’m thinking that I may make a return to the old days, you know where you would send out your man to find the bird, then you would walk on to it and shoot the thing for your collection!!
Seems that may be slightly more socially acceptable than being a birder who just also happens to want to photograph what he sees…


Stewart said...

Been getting some grief Rich?

Richard Dunn said...

Not me personally Stewart.
Fuck Off, usually does the job!
No, but appears that I am some kind of demon / murderer / bastard / social pariah / ------ (fill in the blanks) because I carry a camera with a geet big lens attached!
It’s a bit crap when you are concerned about what the reaction will be when you get it out, ooh err missus!

Stewart said...

:) Good job nee body saw my Labrador / Quail debacle many years back eh ;)

Richard Dunn said...

Now that's a tale that needs telling!!!
Laugh, I thought my pants would never dry...

Alan Tilmouth said...

You do Quails as well as Lancys? It must be the Ashington poacher instinct.

Richard Dunn said...

Did that Lancy think, "At last I'm free" or " No, don't let me go here" or "where the hell did that shrike come from?"

Alan Tilmouth said...

Didn't have time the way I heard it, maybe it was just "Fu.."