Friday, October 08, 2010

October 8 2010

After an email from and a phone call to Roger, today’s plan was Holy Island.

We started from the Snook House into the dunes where it was a bit quiet, two Merlin together, Redwings and Brambling but not in big numbers. A pulse quickening moment was had when a thrush sized bird with a white rump dived for cover into the next bush, turned out to be a Song Thrush with a lot of white showing on the rump, strange!

Later, in the village, more Redwings are seen to make landfall and a flock of approximately fifty Brambling were good value in the vicars garden. Showing very well just over head. Unfortunately the light was just too bad to try for any worth while pictures. Also in the village, a Spotted Flycatcher, my latest ever.

A look behind the school eventually gave us a Yellow-browed Warbler, a very well marked bird.

Not a bad day, two year birds; Spotted Flycatcher and Yellow-browed Warbler, but no pictures at all.

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