Tuesday, August 31, 2010

unblocking the bogey…


Greenish Warbler, my bogey bird. I’ve searched for them to find my own, I’ve twitched them to try and see someone else’s, I’ve heard one that I couldn’t see, I’ve even gone as far as ignoring them because I know that if I go, I’ll dip the blasted things.

A text from at 08:43 from Ian this morning said “Greenish Warbler at St Marys”.  Starting an instant headless chicken mode, from a standing start, I was showered and ready for work and at St Marys by 09:15, I had 45 minutes to try and see it before I had to leave to go to work.

I did actually see the bird, I saw the supercilium, I saw the wing-bar, I saw its pale undersides, I didn’t hear it call, but it was heard. Everything happened all too briefly, not enough of it. And after all of that I still came away feeling liked I’d dipped.

Its got a thicker pencilled in tick than it had with “heard” marked next to it. Maybe its just me wanting that perfect field guide view.


John Malloy said...

As you predicted Richard, it showed a little better just after you left...

Richard Dunn said...

I have that effect on these bloody things