It was still, dark and cold and I was on a mission!
I had left the house with one thing in mind, and after waiting for ages, thinking that I maybe should have stayed in the warmth of the house, they started. Two males and a female, all calling at the same time and looking up I even managed to see one of the males as he flew over and started calling not too far away; Tawny Owl.
It doesn't have to be light to go birding!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
December 19 2010
After a(nother) tip off from Nigel, (this one via Stewart), today I went looking for northern Bullfinch. I saw all of the other stuff there; Goldfinch, Siskin, Lesser and Common “Mealy” Redpoll, but sadly not the object of my search. No pictures either as the light was poor, no sound recordings as the site is next to an opencast and the machinery was just starting as I was there, all way too loud!
A Brown Hare ran past five feet away, followed by another and then by two out of control dogs, which flushed five Woodcock as they ran through the trees and while all of this was going on, the owner was blissfully unaware, too busy smoking his fags and listening to his ipod.
Leaving here I went to Cresswell, where yesterdays Bittern in front of the hide did not repeat itself. In fact the only highlight while there was watching the antics of an idiot dog owner trying to get his out of control dog back to him, although how driving down the road continually blasting the horn works as a dog caller goes way over my head.
Mid way through a ten day stretch to a long weekend, my birding will be limited for a week or two to come
A Brown Hare ran past five feet away, followed by another and then by two out of control dogs, which flushed five Woodcock as they ran through the trees and while all of this was going on, the owner was blissfully unaware, too busy smoking his fags and listening to his ipod.
Leaving here I went to Cresswell, where yesterdays Bittern in front of the hide did not repeat itself. In fact the only highlight while there was watching the antics of an idiot dog owner trying to get his out of control dog back to him, although how driving down the road continually blasting the horn works as a dog caller goes way over my head.
Mid way through a ten day stretch to a long weekend, my birding will be limited for a week or two to come
Monday, December 13, 2010
December 13 2010
An email from Roger, telling me of a problem with the recordings, had the desired affect, I've fixed it (with a lot of help from the folks at xeno-canto)
So now you can hear them. I'll go back through the other stuff and fix them as well
So now you can hear them. I'll go back through the other stuff and fix them as well
Sunday, December 12, 2010
December 12 2010
After a tip off from Andy, I went looking for some approachable drake Goosanders today. I found one, but the light was so poor that most of the shots I took got dumped…
…the only keeper; and it’s not that good.
So with the light being poor, I went to try my luck elsewhere, again on a tip off, this one from Nigel. I didn’t see (or hear) Marsh Tit at his spot, but not too far away, my luck was in.
If you listen to the end of the second recording, you can hear the footsteps of a woman crunching through the snow, as she walked her out of control dog!
A little further up the road, in a less populated place, a Wren gave a nice rendition of call and song.
On the way home I called in at Newbiggin and saw the Water Pipit. No pictures as it was raining fairly hard, and the pipit was having none of it, it wasn’t approachable for me.
I then went to Holywell for dusk, no sign of the Hen Harrier, which had been seen coming into roost through the week. The only bird of note was a Common Buzzard, which flew west over the village

…the only keeper; and it’s not that good.
So with the light being poor, I went to try my luck elsewhere, again on a tip off, this one from Nigel. I didn’t see (or hear) Marsh Tit at his spot, but not too far away, my luck was in.
If you listen to the end of the second recording, you can hear the footsteps of a woman crunching through the snow, as she walked her out of control dog!
A little further up the road, in a less populated place, a Wren gave a nice rendition of call and song.
On the way home I called in at Newbiggin and saw the Water Pipit. No pictures as it was raining fairly hard, and the pipit was having none of it, it wasn’t approachable for me.
I then went to Holywell for dusk, no sign of the Hen Harrier, which had been seen coming into roost through the week. The only bird of note was a Common Buzzard, which flew west over the village
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
December 8 2010
After a relatively late start today, I drove along the coast road between Lynemouth and Cresswell in the very bright sunshine, very bright but also very cold. The birds that I saw appear to have lost their fear as the search for food becomes more desperate. Large numbers of Pink-footed Goose are next to the road in fields that they do not normally use and Woodcock are abundant; on the stretch of road between Lynemouth and Cresswell there were at least fifty and some of them are feeding on the grass verges, giving fantastic views, a photo tick for me…

…while here photographing these, a big disturbance in the birds is created by a ringtail Hen Harrier, which flew by down the side of the road. Hen Harrier is a bird that I always jump out of the car for and today was no exception, unfortunately I flushed the Woodcock doing this, but I saw the harrier flush a Merlin which had been on the ground and some Snow Bunting which I heard but didn’t see. As I get back into the car a Woodcock flies up the road and lands less than five feet from me in the middle of the road.
Moving on to Cresswell Pond itself, which is nearly completely frozen many more Woodcock are seen when a Peregrine passes through causing panic as it goes.
Heading on to Bells Dunes the Twite are right next to the road along with Skylark…
…there is also a Brambling in with the flock, but too far for pictures. On the other side of the road, more Pink-footed Geese and with them, seven Whooper Swan.
Back at Cresswell, the Barn Owl is out and hunting, so while waiting and hoping for some action, a Reed Bunting performs…
… I gain a little height to see if I can see where the owl has gone and I see Roger off in the distance walking my way, so I head in his direction for a bit of a chat. Walking along the road, a bird in flight has a shape that can’t be ignored; Bittern, up from under Roger’s feet as he walks through the dunes, we watch it drop into a small reed bed, but in true Bittern Style it’s not seen again. Roger gets some canny flight shots, I have to be content with seeing it!

…while here photographing these, a big disturbance in the birds is created by a ringtail Hen Harrier, which flew by down the side of the road. Hen Harrier is a bird that I always jump out of the car for and today was no exception, unfortunately I flushed the Woodcock doing this, but I saw the harrier flush a Merlin which had been on the ground and some Snow Bunting which I heard but didn’t see. As I get back into the car a Woodcock flies up the road and lands less than five feet from me in the middle of the road.
Moving on to Cresswell Pond itself, which is nearly completely frozen many more Woodcock are seen when a Peregrine passes through causing panic as it goes.
Heading on to Bells Dunes the Twite are right next to the road along with Skylark…

…there is also a Brambling in with the flock, but too far for pictures. On the other side of the road, more Pink-footed Geese and with them, seven Whooper Swan.
Back at Cresswell, the Barn Owl is out and hunting, so while waiting and hoping for some action, a Reed Bunting performs…

… I gain a little height to see if I can see where the owl has gone and I see Roger off in the distance walking my way, so I head in his direction for a bit of a chat. Walking along the road, a bird in flight has a shape that can’t be ignored; Bittern, up from under Roger’s feet as he walks through the dunes, we watch it drop into a small reed bed, but in true Bittern Style it’s not seen again. Roger gets some canny flight shots, I have to be content with seeing it!
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
December 7 2010
I’ve just been for a weekend away down south (that’s “darn sarf” if your from that way or “doon sooth” if your not) and it was a pleasure to get away from the snow. Where I was staying they had, NO SNOW! Yes, that’s correct, NONE! So it was very easy to get to the pub, and that’s what we did and with an occasional drink in the house…
…one glass at a time!
As you might guess, not much (not any) birding was done, but I did see, two Little Egret roosting in a field, thirty Waxwing’s (although there could have been less, as this was on the walk back from the pub), and a couple of Green Woodpeckers.
On the way back home I diverted to the Ouse Washes, just for a look as I had never been before. No huge numbers of swans but I did see in a morning more Bewick’s Swans than I had ever previously seen in total!
Welney was disappointing; I paid to get in and all that was on view were Whooper Swans and I can see them for free back home, the best spot was at Welches Dam TL471860 or N52 26'42" E0 9'14" with Google maps.
Most of the reserve was frozen over and the only open patch was in front of a hide with regular fly bys from groups of both Bewick’s and Whooper Swan. A Cetti’s Warbler was seen but it didn’t sing. Sadly no pictures, as all of the birds were into the light and it was too strong for worth while pictures.

…one glass at a time!
As you might guess, not much (not any) birding was done, but I did see, two Little Egret roosting in a field, thirty Waxwing’s (although there could have been less, as this was on the walk back from the pub), and a couple of Green Woodpeckers.
On the way back home I diverted to the Ouse Washes, just for a look as I had never been before. No huge numbers of swans but I did see in a morning more Bewick’s Swans than I had ever previously seen in total!
Welney was disappointing; I paid to get in and all that was on view were Whooper Swans and I can see them for free back home, the best spot was at Welches Dam TL471860 or N52 26'42" E0 9'14" with Google maps.
Most of the reserve was frozen over and the only open patch was in front of a hide with regular fly bys from groups of both Bewick’s and Whooper Swan. A Cetti’s Warbler was seen but it didn’t sing. Sadly no pictures, as all of the birds were into the light and it was too strong for worth while pictures.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
November 28 2010
The morning after the night before, and I’m out in the garden with my custom made Snow-Ometer, it’s all very high tech but as you can see, it gives very accurate results…
… so after that experiment, I head out onto the roads, to gauge the slipperiness of the ice, all in the name of research you understand!
I can confirm that the A189, the Spine Road was, on a scale of 1 – 10 with 10 being not slippery and 1 being “oh my god I’m going to die!”, a 5. I got along there no problem, not so the woman in front, who ploughed into the near side crash barriers.
I arrive at Cresswell, kit up and head for the hide (on the way down three Woodcock lift from the ditch) and on opening the shutters, I see this…
…and it stayed in the same place for 2 hours, and when it did go it just slinked off right into the reeds. The pond was 50% iced over with most of the duck hauled out on the far bank. Seven Red-breasted Merganser (5 drake) are all confused, they are in full display mode. Plenty of Teal and Wigeon, lesser numbers of Mallard and only a pair of Gadwall and a single Shoveler. Two Whooper Swans swim out of the reeds to be joined by three which flew in. Pink-footed Goose are heard but the flock is out of sight. A male Sparrowhawk catches a Starling but somehow it gets away and the spar flies off with no catch. I think these Magpie may have seen it before me,
So after the Bittern had gone, I head up to Druridge, stopping to try for the Twite. I did hear them but couldn’t see them.
Druridge had a canny flock of Goldfinch, with Siskin in with them
The water was down from my previous visit so I can get to the main pool. A Shoveler shows nicely…
… and a Wigeon whistles for the mic. The Wigeon were pairing up with Coot. The Coot were diving for the weed that they eat and the Wigeon were scavenging from the Coot, first time I’ve seen that!
On the way back along past Bell’s Farm some Pink-footed Geese are near enough to have a go for some pictures

… so after that experiment, I head out onto the roads, to gauge the slipperiness of the ice, all in the name of research you understand!
I can confirm that the A189, the Spine Road was, on a scale of 1 – 10 with 10 being not slippery and 1 being “oh my god I’m going to die!”, a 5. I got along there no problem, not so the woman in front, who ploughed into the near side crash barriers.
I arrive at Cresswell, kit up and head for the hide (on the way down three Woodcock lift from the ditch) and on opening the shutters, I see this…

…and it stayed in the same place for 2 hours, and when it did go it just slinked off right into the reeds. The pond was 50% iced over with most of the duck hauled out on the far bank. Seven Red-breasted Merganser (5 drake) are all confused, they are in full display mode. Plenty of Teal and Wigeon, lesser numbers of Mallard and only a pair of Gadwall and a single Shoveler. Two Whooper Swans swim out of the reeds to be joined by three which flew in. Pink-footed Goose are heard but the flock is out of sight. A male Sparrowhawk catches a Starling but somehow it gets away and the spar flies off with no catch. I think these Magpie may have seen it before me,
So after the Bittern had gone, I head up to Druridge, stopping to try for the Twite. I did hear them but couldn’t see them.
Druridge had a canny flock of Goldfinch, with Siskin in with them

The water was down from my previous visit so I can get to the main pool. A Shoveler shows nicely…

… and a Wigeon whistles for the mic. The Wigeon were pairing up with Coot. The Coot were diving for the weed that they eat and the Wigeon were scavenging from the Coot, first time I’ve seen that!
On the way back along past Bell’s Farm some Pink-footed Geese are near enough to have a go for some pictures

Saturday, November 27, 2010
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